

Six Ways to Maintain Culture with a Hybrid Work Environment

How to Maintain Company Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment [6 Tips]

In 2020, the shift to remote work was abrupt and caught most organizations off guard. At the time, managers and company leaders rightly focused on the immediate needs of making sure employees had access to files and could communicate. Today, as some employees return to the office and others remain off-site, employers are navigating a new challenge: the hybrid work environment. A Hybrid Workplace Will

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Facilitation Tips From the Pros

10 Facilitation Tips From the Pros: How to Improve Your Training Experience

As a facilitator, it’s your goal to use the time you’ve been given to create engagement and make the training experience an investment that is beneficial for employees. But there is an art to creating a learning experience that employees remember and put into practice. So, why do some sessions drag while others are engaging and memorable? After training over 2,000,000 individuals, the team at

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Support Employee Mental Health

How Managers Can Support and Monitor Their Employees’ Mental Health

When employees come to work feeling good and able to focus, it benefits everyone. Employees can enjoy their work and continue to advance in their careers, and employers enjoy the perks of higher levels of productivity and higher retention levels — both of which go on to boost revenue and reduce expenses over time. That’s why it’s a mistake to leave employees’ mental health to

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Why (and How) to Encourage Employees to Take Their PTO

How to Create an Employee PTO Policy That Actually Works

In the United States, we tend to praise and reward overwork. We see skipping breaks as a dedication to getting the job done, and working longer hours as showing resilience and loyalty. But as we all know, this mindset can have some toxic outcomes. No one can keep working productively without high-quality breaks for long. We all reach a point of diminishing returns, where extra

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How to Improve Your Organization's Disability Inclusion Efforts

How to Improve Disability Inclusion Efforts in the Workplace

Disabled people are still underrepresented as employees at most companies, despite the significant benefits they bring to the table. But this isn’t necessarily because employers consciously avoid hiring people with disabilities. Just like with other employees from minority groups, disabled employees may be left out of the hiring and advancement process due to the way the processes are structured, or due to a lack of

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Should we ban political talk in the workplace?

Should We Ban Political Talk from the Workplace?

In a world where politics and social issues dominate the news, it should be expected that sensitive topics will filter into discussions at the workplace. The polarization and divisiveness within the current culture present a unique challenge for employers. Discussing these issues in the workplace risks causing division and hurting productivity, but what can an employer do to address the problem? Is it as simple

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