- Unconscious Bias in the Workplace – What You Need to Know.
- What is Unconscious Bias?
- Unconscious bias occurs when you make spontaneous judgments about people or situations based on your past experiences, culture, background, or exposure to media.
- These hidden preferences or prejudices can affect nearly every decision you make.
- Is Unconscious Bias Bad?
- Unconscious Bias is not always bad. We all use mental short-cuts every day.
- In the workplace, however, it has broader implications, some of which might be detrimental.
- Three Examples of Unconscious Bias
- Assigning a project with a significant technical component? The best choice is a Generation Y-er, not the Baby Boomer, right? This could be an accurate assumption, but it’s not always the case. Evaluating competency based on age is a common mistake. She’s not great with computers.
- Resumes are a common source of unconscious bias. In one study, managers were given a set of identical resumes where only the names had been changed. Resumes with the Anglo sounding names received substantially more callbacks that those with diverse names. This candidate sounds great!
- When YouTube launched their app, 5-10% of videos were uploaded upside down. Google engineers had inadvertently designed the app for right-handed users. They never considered the fact that phones are usually rotated 180 degrees when held in a user’s left hand. HELP! My video is upside down.
- What does Unconscious Bias mean for your workplace?
- Can ethnic or gender diversity affect the financial performance of a company? In a word, yes.
- Companies with high gender diversity are 15% more likely to outperform.
- Racially diverse companies are 35% more likely to have higher financial returns.
- How to address Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
- Make sure employees understand exactly what unconscious bias is, when it happens, and the ways in which it can impact your business objectives.
- Training should highlight clear and actionable steps that employees can take when they recognize behavior that should be challenged.
- Create a workplace where employees are encouraged to speak freely about a topic, and where they are open to discussion
- The topic of unconscious bias is important in itself, but the overall effect it has on your company’s culture is of critical importance.
- “One of the most challenging barriers to diversity and inclusion is unconscious bias. Diversity and inclusion is not a priority because it is something nice to have, it’s a must to have if we are to fulfill our mission to provide excellent service.” Beth Cobert – Acting Director, United States Office of Personnel Management