

Tag: civil workplace

Time to Talk Politics at Work

The leaves haven’t turned and Georgia mornings start warm without a chill. Yet, I know it’s fall. I’m re checking online blogs, and getting a flood of emails and texts. My Facebook pages are jammed with polls and predictions. There are cable shows with highlights, commentators and human interest stories

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Bullying, Power and Safety

I sat in front of the audience last week participating as a panelist on workplace bullying. The Atlanta Diversity Management Advocacy Group (ADMAG), sponsored the session held at Georgia Power, our local utility and a long-time client. Conrado Marion-Landais, representing our host, walked to the podium, welcomed the audience and

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My German Shepherd, Memphis, and Sustaining What We Learn

As I sit here writing this blog, it’s occurred to me that everything I need to know about creating sustained learning I can learn from Memphis. That’s my five-year-old German Shepherd, who is resting by my chair as she does every morning. Our morning routine is well-established now. Every morning,

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Legality, Civility, Productivity

I spoke with a distinguished executive who has a key role in leading fair employment initiatives for a major federal agency. She told me her organization is dealing with a range of disturbing leadership and workplace issues affecting morale and productivity. Generally, they involve supervisors who scream, yell, slam books,

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