

Laboring Under Myths and Misconceptions about FLSA?

Many human resource executives, corporate legal counsel and compliance officers wrongly assume that they are in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state wage and hour laws. Fact: Experts estimate that as many as 70 to 90 percent of U.S. employers are violating state and federal wage and hour statutes. A random sample of more than 64,000 Department of Labor cases since 2008

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No More "Whistleblowers" at Work

The chief aim of corporate compliance is to prevent, detect and correct problems before they lead to the stiff penalties the law imposes when the public is harmed, careers are ruined, and the impact of illegal acts lingers. In fact, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines reward firms whose compliance programs take defined steps to find out and fix problems before they cause damage. Newly proposed amendments will provide additional

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Wage and Hour Issues: A Hidden Cancer?

My friend, a fellow attorney, was emphasizing how sudden and catastrophic wage and hour issues can surface in an organization. “All of a sudden,” he said, “you may learn that you have huge issues that threaten the well-being of your organization, not just financially, but in terms of credibility, reputation, and productivity. It’s like having a tumor that goes undetected for years and one day you

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Work is Not a Talk Show

Former cable news anchor Rick Sanchez, and radio talk show hosts [Dr.] Laura Schlesinger and Don Imus have a lot in common. All three lost (Sanchez and Imus) or surrendered (Schlesinger) their broadcasting jobs in the wake of hurtful, mean-spirited comments. Schlesinger and Imus made derogatory racial comments on their radio shows. Sanchez hurled demeaning religious remarks while being interviewed on a satellite radio program. What are the boundaries of

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Working on a Smaller Planet: Global Communities, Global Workforces

We’re a global company. We have teams all over the world. We have managers in the U. S. leading teams in Europe, teams in Asia leading teams in the U.S., teams in Europe leading teams in Asia. We’re having legal and cultural issues springing up all over the place. We need to train everybody and get them all on the same page. How can we

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10 Tips For Turning Up The Volume On What You Have To Say

My 13-year old son and I were in the car having what I thought was a conversation. I was mid-sentence when my son held up his hand, faced me, and said, “Mom, at this point you sound like a spoon in the blender.” Clever, I grant you, but ouch. I was stunned. My intentions were well-meaning, but unfortunately my “coaching for success” was coming across

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