

11 Trends and Developments for '11

It’s impossible, of course, to predict the future. But at the end of 2010, several recent developments look like they will generate major developments for 2011. Here’s what I think lies in store in 2011 for HR, legal and compliance professionals as we count down to a brand-new year. It’s impossible, of course, to predict the future. But at the end of 2010, several recent

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Time for Social Media Civility

“My boss is a jerk and this company stinks. I’m outta here. What a rotten week. Oh well, Monday it all starts up again.” “Here’s Dylan at the party: Give him a few beers and watch out.” “They’re squeezing us dry. This place is a rat hole.  What a bunch of thieves.” “Take a look at this photo of Carl 20 years ago. What a

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'Tis the season – Don't let social networking Scrooge your holiday – or your career

We hear the stories every year. The sales rep who got drunk at the holiday party and made a pass at the boss’s wife. The receptionist who had one too many and stuck the mistletoe in her hair. They may survive the hangover but the career damage is permanent. This year, with many of us using social media to record every excruciating detail of our

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It Takes Leadership from the Top to Build a Civil Workplace

Building a legal and ethical workplace begins at the top. Successful leaders use clear, candid language when communicating their vision of a civil, inclusive and productive workplace, and they back it up with specific actions for which team leaders, their direct reports, and others are accountable. To make the message credible and enduring, they must articulate it in their own words and at every appropriate

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Specter of an FLSA Class Action? Scooby Dooby Doo!

My original title for this blog post was “All I Ever Needed To Know About Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) Class Actions I Learned From Saturday Morning Cartoons.” But then I quickly realized that there was a single cartoon expert on this topic: that kooky Great Dane, Scooby-Doo. For those less familiar with this Saturday morning classic, let me fill you in. Each Scooby-Doo episode

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Getting the Story Straight on FLSA Liability

One of the most misunderstood laws on the books is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) , enacted during the Great Depression to protect the rights of workers. It’s full of wrinkles, exceptions and quirks that can be confusing, particularly when it comes to wage and hour liability. Is your organization laboring under common myths that could lead to disastrous consequences? For example: It’s no big

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