

Author: ELI, Inc.

What is Unconscious Bias? 5 Examples in Real-Life Scenarios

Unconscious bias can be a difficult topic to explain and define. After all, if something is unconscious, how do you even know that it exists? To shed some light on the issue and increase understanding, we’ve put together five real-world unconscious bias examples. 1. HELP! My video is upside down. Many

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What is unconscious bias?

Unconscious bias occurs when you make spontaneous judgments about people or situations based on your past experiences, culture, background, or exposure to media. It often manifests itself as an impression or gut feeling that shapes your perception, often in ways that are hard to articulate. These hidden preferences or prejudices

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Train-the-trainer program updates and enhancements

ELI’s train-the-trainer program teaches facilitation skills and delivers content that has been tested and refined over time. While the core of the training has remained consistent, the delivery models and features continue to evolve with technology. Here are some of the latest developments in the CIC program … Pre-Certification Improvements

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2016 Ethics & Compliance Initiative Annual Conference

Grounded: Bringing the Big Shots Back to Earth Powerful big shots may have impeccable professional credentials, sales abilities, or technical talents, but that doesn’t stop them from damaging the organization. Their rule-breaking and abusive treatment of others can inflict tremendous organizational harm and increase regulatory and reputational risks. In this

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Six ways to help senior leaders see the value of training

Ask senior leaders in your company to attend a day-long training session and they’ll likely tell you they’d rather go to the dentist. Why? Because most training programs have a reputation…it’s boring, it doesn’t benefit my team or my department, and it’s not the best use of my time. How

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What is the number one issue that can derail your M&A deal?

Mergers and acquisitions are a common growth strategy for companies. During the due diligence period, most of the analysis revolves around the financials of the company, but a more subtle issue could be what derails the deal. What issue presents the biggest challenge to completing a deal? Corporate Culture. Why

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