

You’ll remember this 11-second video.

A few years ago, I attended a full day continuing legal education session (CLE) to maintain my bar license. I watched lecture after lecture presented by outstanding, highly skilled and well respected lawyers. Watch this video, and you’ll see the impact the learning had on me.
If you’ve ever sat through a class filled with information and data that you could have read on your own, I’m guessing you’ll relate to my thoughts. Right now, I can recall nothing about the course except these 11 seconds.
We’d suggest that if you’re responsible for delivering effective workplace learning you consider whether you’re engaging your participants or engendering learning “fantasies” of the kind which prompted me to make this video. To get the full effect, please make sure the sound is on!

How do you adapt your learning experiences to make sure your content, whether live or online, helps have a lasting and positive impact on workplace behavior?
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