

Top posts from the ELI blog in 2018

ELI’s blog provides a variety of helpful resources that address uncivil behavior and offers ideas for you to consider when cultivating a healthy environment in the workplace. As we kick-off a new year, here’s a countdown of ELI’s Top 5 Blog Posts for 2018:

5. Four Simple Guidelines for Men Afraid of #MeToo

How should men conduct themselves in today’s workplace? It’s a question I’ve heard gradually bubbling up as reports of harassment, bullying, and abuse against women in the workplace, across industries, has culminated with the #MeToo movement. Could what happened to Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Mario Batali, and others happen to me? Continue Reading…

4. Understanding the Bystander’s Role in Sexual Harassment at Work

Whenever the bad behavior of someone in a power position becomes public, initial outrage is quickly followed by shock that they were able to get away with it. Finger-pointing about who else knew, and how much they knew, begins quickly. Continue Reading…

3. Five Most Common Examples of Workplace Incivility (And What To Do About It)

Any property owner knows that even a small leak in a pipe has the potential to do massive damage over time. Caught early, a leak won’t ruin much. Ignored long-term, it could cause the roof to cave in. Headline-grabbing, egregious examples of bad behavior at work may seem like the equivalent of a burst water main. Continue Reading…

2. What Should I Do When an Employee Makes a Retaliation Claim?

You probably already know it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee for engaging in a protected activity (such as reporting or complaining about something unlawful). But maybe you didn’t know how broadly the idea of “retaliation” can be defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or how many forms retaliation can take and still be legally punishable. Continue Reading…

1. Five Types of Subtle Workplace Harassment That Should Be on Your Radar

Some examples of workplace harassment are so clear that there’s no question in anyone’s mind that harassment is taking place. Demanding a massage from an employee in a hotel room, for example, is one. However, many people are genuinely surprised that other, more subtle forms of harassment also qualify as such. Continue Reading…

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