

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2021

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2021

The ELI blog provides a variety of helpful resources that address uncivil behavior and ideas for you to consider when cultivating a healthy environment in the workplace. As we kick-off a new year, here’s a countdown of ELI’s Top 5 Blog Posts for 2021:

5. How to Maintain Company Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment [6 Tips]

In 2020, the shift to remote work was abrupt and caught most organizations off guard. At the time, managers and company leaders rightly focused on the immediate needs of making sure employees had access to files and could communicate. Today, as some employees return to the office and others remain off-site, employers are navigating a new challenge: the hybrid work environment. Continue Reading…

4. DEI Initiatives: How to Prevent Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives From Becoming Just Another Bandwagon

With everything going on in American society these days, it’s easy to see why diversity, equity, and inclusion are hot topics. And, in workplaces, employers have issued commitment statements, formed committees, undertaken assessments, conducted listening sessions, enhanced DEI departments, and published long-term plans. A lot has happened, and it’s natural to think that these organizations are jumping on the bandwagon. And that’s the danger—that DEI initiatives will be treated as just another bandwagon. Continue Reading…

3. 10 Facilitation Tips From the Pros: How to Improve Your Training Experience

As a facilitator, it’s your goal to use the time you’ve been given to create engagement and make the training experience an investment that is beneficial for employees. But there is an art to creating a learning experience that employees remember and put into practice. In this post, we look at ten facilitation tips and tricks from our team of experts for how to improve your training experience. Continue Reading…

2. Does Your Workplace Need a “Code of Civility?”

In a perfect world, we’d all treat each other respectfully at work with no need for managers to explicitly clarify what that respect looks like. For better or worse, though, in reality people need to be told and shown what kind of words and actions are acceptable in their workplaces. They also need to be held accountable when they don’t treat fellow employees with civility and respect. Continue Reading…

1. Introducing The Benefits of Job Crafting, with Examples for Your Office

For most people, it’s not easy to land a dream job. Many employees would happily leave an existing position if they found another one better met their needs and suited their strengths. However, the smartest modern workers aren’t just waiting for their dream job to become available someday. They’re taking the initiative to make changes to their existing jobs to make them more compatible with their own interests, goals, and values. The term “job crafting” is being used to describe this phenomenon. Continue Reading…

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