

Top posts from the ELI blog in 2016

ELI’s blog provides a variety of helpful resources that address uncivil behavior and offers ideas for you to consider when cultivating a healthy environment in the workplace. As we kick-off a new year, here’s a countdown of ELI’s Top 5 Blog Posts for 2016:

5. So how do I talk about this stuff?

So how do I talk about this stuff?Recent tragedies in Orlando, Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and Dallas have generated anger, fear, confusion, grief and despair. Many of us want to talk about these events. We believe such conversations can be positive; yet, we’re concerned the wrong words can permanently damage our relationships. For some, the choice will be to avoid conversations for fear of saying something wrong. Continue reading…

4. Six ways help senior leaders see value training

Six ways help senior leaders see value trainingAsk senior leaders in your company to attend a daylong training session and they’ll likely tell you they’d rather go to the dentist. Why? Because most training programs have a reputation…it’s boring, it doesn’t benefit my team or my department, and it’s not the best use of my time. Here’s how your training can overcome that attitude and instill some excitement in your leaders. Continue reading…

3. EEOC recommends new approach to harassment-prevention

EEOC recommends new approach to harassment-preventionIn June 2016, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released its recommendations for more effective approach to preventing harassment in the workplace. The Commission found that there are forms of discrimination and harassment that continue in the workplace and are in serious need of abatement. The Task Force examined the actions that could potentially be corrected and recommended a variety of solutions that focused on the importance of leadership commitment, accountability of behavior and the need to incorporate not just compliance, but civility into the workplace environment. Continue reading…

2. What microaggression means for your workplace

What microaggression means for your workplaceAsk five co-workers for a definition of microaggression and you will likely receive five different responses. While people may have a general idea of what microaggression is, many are unsure of its exact meaning. Understanding the definition of microaggression is important but knowing what it means for your workplace is even more critical. Continue reading…

1. Five real-world examples of unconscious bias

Examples of Unconscious BiasUnconscious bias can be a difficult topic to explain. After all, if something is unconscious, how do you even know that it exists? Many times we think of it as being about race or age, but it covers a much broader spectrum and no one, it seems, is immune to stumbling over it. To shed some light on the issue and increase understanding, we’ve put together five real-world examples of unconscious bias. Continue reading…
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