

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2019

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2019

The ELI blog provides a variety of helpful resources that address uncivil behavior and ideas for you to consider when cultivating a healthy environment in the workplace. As we kick-off a new year, here’s a countdown of ELI’s Top 5 Blog Posts for 2019:

5. How to Spot (and Stop) a Potential “Super Harasser”

Over the past few years, we’ve watched the downfalls of seemingly untouchable powerful men who have abused their power to harass and intimidate the people around them. As each one’s behavior was exposed, there was shock from the public and inevitable questions. How did they get away with it? Who knew about it? Continue Reading…

4. When Training Alone Doesn’t Work: The 5 Cs of Civility

How often have you heard people in your organization complain that “training doesn’t work”? I hear that sentiment all the time in conjunction with training on behavioral issues such as discrimination, inclusion, respect and civility. Often, I have to agree: Training doesn’t work — or, rather, training alone doesn’t work. Continue Reading…

3. Five Tips for Preventing Retaliation Claims

News about job-related retaliation claims might not snag as many headlines as shocking cases of sexual harassment or racial discrimination in the workplace. But retaliation cases, which deal with employees being punished for legally protected actions made at work, make up almost half of all workplace discrimination charges. Continue Reading…

2. What is Workplace Civility Training?

An annual poll conducted by Weber Shandwick and Powell Tate KRC Research reported that 93% of Americans feel that “civility” in today’s society is problematic. In our divisive and politically charged climate, this type of offensive, ill-mannered behavior is on the rise, and while not illegal, the hostile environment it creates leads to significant business and social costs. Continue Reading…

1. Four Types of Workplace Bullies and How to Handle Them

When you hear the word “bully,” what do you picture? A high-school jock stereotype, shoving a classmate into a locker, perhaps? Now what about when you picture a “workplace bully?” Are you thinking of a loud and demanding man shouting during a meeting? The truth is that a bully isn’t always loud or overtly aggressive. In fact, a bully isn’t even always a boss. Put simply, a bully is anyone who targets someone else with derogatory and abusive behavior over time, regardless of how or when that abuse happens. Continue Reading…

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