

The Sad Fall of Mark Hurd

After taking over as CEO in 2005, Mark Hurd revived HP, turning around its performance, making strategic acquisitions and trimming the workforce. When other technology companies and the stock market faltered in recent years, HP’s performance kept rocketing upward. Late Friday, we read the shocking news announcing Hurd’s immediate resignation from HP as the result of a sexual harassment investigation. While Jodie Fisher, a former HP contract

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Make it Right BEFORE Disaster Strikes

I’ve been watching BP’s television commercials flooding the airways. They provide an impressive narrative on the wide range of actions and the commitment the company is making to clean up the Deep Horizon oil spill disaster. As I saw my third or fourth ad today while exercising, I wondered how much BP was spending to spread the word about its response as part of its “We will

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Understanding the Triggers of Workplace Violence

Take a harsh economy, add an unstable personality, mix in daily personal and workplace pressures and toss in a triggering event – small but repeated offenses or cruel indignities. Sometimes the perfect storm will lead to unfathomable tragedy. We don’t know what trigger caused Omar S. Thornton, 34, to open fire and kill nine of his co-workers in Manchester, Conn. We know from news reports that he

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Lessons in USDA Controversy: Rush to Judgment Rarely Ends Well

Remember last year’s furor involving the Cambridge police arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and the subsequent beerfest hosted by President Obama at the White House for Mr. Gates and the police sergeant? In many ways, we’re seeing a replay of that situation in the current controversy over the remarks made by Georgia USDA official Shirley Sherrod.  If you’re not familiar with the story,

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The Terror of the Red Light: Shut Off that Blinking BlackBerry

I saw the red light go off – it blinked rapidly, insistently. The vibration began a few seconds later. I looked down: “You need to call the office immediately. We have to talk.” I called in. You have to make a decision – now. I didn’t have time to think. But I made the decision and made a big mistake. It cost me $10,000. After

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928,000 Emails Down, 72,000 to Go: Avoiding the Email Trap

Some time ago, I had lunch with a colleague, a compliance officer for a widely known and respected organization who told me he’d spent several months reading almost one million emails as part of discovery in an employment case. Now he had only about 72,000 more emails to go. During the discovery process, he reviewed executive correspondence, middle-manager emails, and exchanges between entry-level personnel. He

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