

Click, Click, Click: Online Compliance Training for Employees – Complete It or No Bonus for You

Recently, I sat down with a colleague who works for a financial services firm. He was clearly anxious, so I asked him how he was. “Not so good,” he said. “I’m under the gun. I’ve got to finish 17 online compliance courses ranging from financial transactions to ethics and discrimination and harassment training. Unless I finish by midnight tonight, I won’t be eligible for a

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Bad Behavior at Work? Best Defense is to Prevent it in the First Place

Have our workplace leaders just lost it? That’s the question that comes to my mind after a string of recent stories involving Navy Captain Owen Honors, NFL quarterback Brett Favre, ESPN sportscaster Ron Franklin, and other public figures whose workplace acts have caught our attention. Are these scandals coming to light now due to: a) the recession? b) globalization? c) the nonstop pace of our lives and

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A Bone of Contention with Leadership Vacuums: Lessons from the Dog Whisperer

“They haven’t had a leader for the last two years,” my client explained. As a new manager assigned to work with this formerly “leaderless” team, she described how various tensions and interpersonal conflicts had flared up. Over time, this “leaderless” group had redefined key work conditions and expectations by devising their own system of flexible work schedules, prolonging service delivery times without agreement from their

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NFL Quarterback, Navy Captain and ESPN Sportscaster: A Parade of People Behaving Badly

From NFL quarterback Brett Favre’s sexting spectacle to Navy Captain Owen Honors’ loss of command for producing racy videos to ESPN sportscaster Ron Franklin’s dismissal for making sexist and derogatory comments, these scandals could be made into blockbuster episodes of an American reality series about “People Behaving Badly.” With today’s fiery mixture of human nature, social media and the web, it only takes one ill-advised video, text message, blog post or photo

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Military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Plan: A No-Nonsense Guide for Effective Cultural Change

If you’re looking for a solid blueprint for changing your organization’s culture, you could spend a year or more studying all the books and articles on the subject – or just a few hours reading the U.S. Defense Department’s 87-page support plan for repealing the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy, which banned homosexuals from serving openly in the U.S. military. In perhaps the first crucial test of

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How To Stop Cyberspace Leaks, Tweaks and Offensive Peaks In 2011

We’re ending 2010 with WikiLeaks Facebook legal claims, scandals triggered by cell phone photos, and the spectrum of tweets, posts, purloined (stolen) documents and workplace chatter flooding cyberspace. There’s no doubt that worries over confidentiality, privacy and liability will continue to flood our workplaces in 2011. Reactive legal protections and penalties won’t put the cyber or wiki genie back in the bottle once it has escaped.

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