

Documenting Learning or Managing Behavior?

Let’s assume we let these professionals do their jobs provided they all signed certificates verifying they had reviewed the materials listed below and completed a few multiple-choice questions to prove they knew the basics. We’d give: Surgeons documents and diagrams regarding surgical procedures and then assign them their first operation; Airline pilots a list of procedures and then allow them to go fly planes; Nuclear

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Problem Identification in The Workplace — 3 Phrases, 12 Words to Avoid Organizational Disasters

Recently, I spent a day working with seven highly-skilled professionals drawn from human resources, law, and compliance departments of organizations representing healthcare, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage products, glassware and a major religious order. I asked them to spend a few minutes on their own to imagine their worst organizational nightmare – a disaster that would rock their brands, image, and core. Of course, they had

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Wash Your Hands and Do Not Bully Your Teammates

Read the title above, again, please. It sounds like something we’d have told our kids as soon as they could understand basic language and then later played their first team sports – soccer, baseball, football.  But those two simple messages are not being either effectively communicated or understood in many levels throughout our healthcare system. The results are unnecessary harm, complications and fatalities – all

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Slugging at the Pentagon: Civility at Work

The week before last I had the privilege of moderating a distinguished panel for the Department of Defense (DoD) at the 2011 Defense Employee and Labor Relations Symposium.  We discussed DoD’s troublesome rise in hostile workplace environment (HWE) and harassment claims. Investigating and resolving these charges, the vast majority of which are found not to have legal merit, takes time and money. Yet, we agreed the

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Diversity, Inclusion, Compliance: Not One or the Other, but All Three and More

“We need to focus on diversity or inclusion or maybe compliance we’re not sure which but we need to do something – we know that.” This is what I’ve heard recently in separate meetings with clients in different industries and regions of the country. All are facing sluggish, if any, growth and diminished career opportunities for incumbents.  At the same time, they’re experiencing rising age-based tensions

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Let Us Rename "Grey Areas" to Warning Signals, Danger Signs or Hazard Alerts

The “familiar” physician who makes suggestive remarks to patients and staff The prominent partner who kisses an associate and makes “friendly” but personal  comments about her husband’s ethnicity The utility executive known for a frosty demeanor and dismissive gestures in meetings held to review project issues and problems The surgeon who yells at colleagues but never uses “illegal” racial, sexual or ethnic language Over the

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