

Can Those HR People Help Us Build Our Tanks?

I had dinner with my friend, an engineer whose firm produces military equipment used by our Armed Forces. He’s project focused and detailed oriented. His daughter will soon graduate from college and has shown an aptitude for human resources. She’s smart, has a great sense of people and sound judgment. She will go far. He’s kidded me about the profession for some time, so I

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All This Technology is Harming Communication

Despite having more ways than ever to communicate, it does not appear that our understanding of one another’s meaning is improving. Actually, I believe it’s getting worse. I’m not the first to write that all these new technologies, great as they are, are also wreaking workplace and social havoc. I thought about this last week while traveling in Atlanta with an out-of-town colleague. She showed

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The Mercury Men and the Thrill of Corporate Learning

Switch on your smart phone or tablet and watch The Mercury Men if you want your organizational learning to have a greater impact on changing behavior and culture.  After seeing just a minute and a half of the free trailer, I had to spend a few dollars to buy the first web based episodes.  I’m glad I did and I’m ready for more.  That’s the point. First,

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Where to Start: President Obama’s Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce

On August 18th President Obama issued an Executive Order establishing a “…coordinated government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce.”  The Order reaches civilians and military personnel working in a wide array of agencies, departments, locations and operating environments. This Order is not a typical compliance initiative, though adherence to the law is vital and non-negotiable. It is not a call for new

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When Just-in-Time Learning's Too Late

Do you need to carve a turkey, have no idea where to start and your family is arriving for Thanksgiving dinner in 30 minutes? Later this afternoon, are you going to tell a combative staff member that his performance is edging towards termination unless there is specific and immediate improvement? If you need to know how to carve that turkey, convert an iTunes song to

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I'm the APP

I had dinner recently with my friend, a visionary, dynamic, and nationally-known leader in the area of diversity and inclusion. We’d worked closely together in the past but hadn’t seen each other for a couple of years.  We sat looking at the New York skyline and caught up on the basics — family, work, the economy. He beamed with pride when he told me about

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