

Locker Room Leadership – Is That a Winning Workplace Strategy?

I met with a group of talented, thoughtful executives recently.  We discussed values, culture and the role of speaking up in the face of organizational misdeeds.  As we talked about leadership, I was asked a challenging question. “You see top coaches walk right up to players, scream at them, grab them, get right in their faces, bless them out in public. They motivate – they

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Blinded by Human Nature and Compliance

We all like to think we’d act quickly and effectively to stop ongoing, illegal, dangerous, or unethical acts once we had notice or a whiff of knowledge of improper behavior.  That’s one reason why the apparent inaction of many in the face of allegedly cruel, sadistic, and criminal conduct at Penn State is so shocking. That could not be me, we say.  I know I’d

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We Act at Penn State

You’re about to cross the street. Someone’s pre-teen daughter jumps the curb as a car speeds toward her. You grab her arm and pull her to safety. Your neighbor runs to your back door – there’s been an accident down the street; someone’s hurt. You call 911. You go outside to see what you can do. Later, you call the Hospital to make sure all

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Cain Controversy Historical Context Helps and Hurts Candidate

Revelations that Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain was accused of inappropriate workplace behavior more than a decade ago have already impacted his candidacy. But the topic does not lend itself to a three-minute cable-news segment; there’s a history here that bears considering. Presently, the media and the public are viewing Cain’s actions and the National Restaurant Association’s (NRA) reaction to the allegations through a 2011

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When Crisis Strikes

Just imagine you’ve got a new job. You’ve been hired following a major business crisis. Your responsibility:  make sure that a similar catastrophe never happens again. The recently selected CEO and her team need your advice and leadership. They will sign on to your plan. That’s the deal. Maybe the crisis involved a terrible accident that cost lives or caused severe and lasting environmental damage.

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2012: The Year of Retaliation or Professionalism and Courage

A distinguished employment lawyer recently told me that he sees 2012 as the Year of Retaliation.  My friend may be right.  EEOC charges are on the rise; surveys indicate that in-house counsel view reprisal actions as a major concern; the new Dodd Franks legislation may spark “bounty” charges followed by lawsuits from employees who say they have been punished for pressing their claims. But my

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