

Change at Work – Technology Meets On-the-Job Leading and Teaching

How do we sustain what we teach? That’s the most frequent question I hear when it comes to workplace learning on civility, inclusion, and compliance. Cost and productivity are constantly being balanced against the urgent need to deliver key messages that result in lasting behavioral change. There are three main issues. First, it’s clear that many organizations just don’t have time for traditional classroom training.

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Two Stories of Rapid Culture Change

I’ve been thinking about “culture change” recently because rapid social and technological changes, game-changing regulations, and globalization are putting a lot of pressure on the workplace. Most management books will tell you that culture change is extremely difficult and takes a long time. While that is often true, I know firsthand that culture can change almost overnight – and understanding how it happened might teach

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Lessons From a 40 Year Reunion: What We Learn and Apply

Last weekend, I attended my 40 year reunion of the Hamilton College Class of 1972. I walked the hilltop campus with my closest friends, visited old dorms and classrooms and caught up with classmates I hadn’t seen in many years. I took about 35 classes at Hamilton reading, writing, doing labs, and delivering presentations. Over the weekend, I thought about the lessons I’ve carried forward in

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Learning Simple Enough to Stick

Have you taken a class, gone through a webinar or completed an online module more than a week ago? Quick – don’t check your notes or, review the syllabus – what do you remember? My guess: the more complex and detailed the topic the less likely it is you’ll recall what you were taught.  And if you’ve only used the information once and heard little

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Legality, Civility, Productivity

I spoke with a distinguished executive who has a key role in leading fair employment initiatives for a major federal agency. She told me her organization is dealing with a range of disturbing leadership and workplace issues affecting morale and productivity. Generally, they involve supervisors who scream, yell, slam books, ignore and demean others, and are impolite, rude, and dismissive. Employees come to her wanting

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Should You Have An Attention Management Strategy?

Every company today is fighting to attract and retain talent. But there’s another, overlooked, talent war that could yield greater benefits if won, and greater harm if lost.  It’s the war for the attention of your talent. All of our great new forms of communication are eroding our ability to maximize our own talents. I read a healthcare blog last week posing the question of how to

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