

Credentialing, Competency, and MOOCs

In academia, Massive Open Online Courses [MOOCS] are now either the latest college fad, like streaking, or a seismic change akin to eliminating parietals and creating mixed male female dorms. MOOCS are online courses taught by first-rate lecturers who deliver via the desktop.  Students can be dispersed around the world and participate in online live and “bulletin board” chat sessions. While most of these courses

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Lance’s Lot –The Cost of Fraud

My son John and I stood several layers of people deep near the Champs Elysees on July 29, 2001 – one of the best days of my life. We had flown to Paris the day before for a bike trip in France which by lucky coincidence coincided with the final stage of the Tour de France. We knew Lance Armstrong would win and we wanted

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When HR and Legal Worlds Collide

Quick! Between your human resource and legal advisers, which group is more likely to say, “It looks like we’re in pretty good shape.  Nothing’s ever perfect, but claims are way down. We don’t have many lawsuits, and the ones we have we think we can settle reasonably— or, if need be, win. Everyone has signed off on our policies.  All of our training has been

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The How and Why of Speaking Up

When asking employees and managers what they most want to feel, I often hear that they want to be “recognized.”  They want to feel that their contributions matter; that they are seen for who they are and what they contribute.  They want to feel valued and they want their opinions to matter. And yet, there are so many situations that can result in diminished esteem

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Knit Picking in Amsterdam

Scandal, turf wars, political intrigue.  Those were the subjects of the conversation two weeks ago between me and two American colleagues now living in Amsterdam.  The presidential elections recently over, the Petraeus scandal now breaking, the BBC reeling from a scandal of its own, the US peering over the edge of a financial cliff, and The Voice just surpassing X Factor in the ratings, we had no shortage of topics

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Scandal Reflex: More Training For Them

I was visiting with my friend last week just as two scandals broke.  We watched the headlines –Lockheed Martin’s incoming CEO, Christopher Kubasik, resigned his position as a result of having a “close personal relationship” with a subordinate. General David Petraeus’ resignation as Director of the CIA hit the news in the middle of our conversation. His departure is a result of his admitting to

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