

Where does unconscious bias fit within your corporate training?

Many organizations are beginning to understand the magnitude and importance of dealing with unconscious bias, which raises questions about where it best fits within a corporate training program. When handled well, unconscious bias training will help employees challenge their assumptions so they can objectively make decisions that are in the best interest of the company. Handled poorly, it can be perceived as judgmental or controlling,

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Curt Schilling Out at ESPN –Politically Correct or Organizationally Correct?

Curt Schilling just lost his job as a reporter for ESPN. The network fired the famed pitcher for making what it considered improper remarks about transgender issues, and re-tweeting a post with some comments added which it deemed inappropriate. He had been recently suspended for making remarks regarding Hillary Clinton. In the past, he had also made other comments which ESPN had considered out of

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Getting people issues right in successful M&A’s

Mergers are a stressful time in the life of a company for both executives and employees as a whole. Fear of what the merger means for them and their future often leads to major distractions for your team. This uncertainty has the potential to pull their attention away from your business objectives and can ultimately put your overall business at risk. These new company dynamics

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ELI Announces George H. Kaye and John H. Stafford Award Winners

On March 10, 2016, Steve Paskoff announced ELI’s Implementation and Delivery Program Manager, Paula Garlen, as the recipient of the third annual George H. Kaye Award. Since re-joining ELI® in 2013, Paula’s main focus has been the delivery of ELI’s learning solutions, which entails a variety of responsibilities.  One of her primary goals is to make sure that anyone who facilitates an ELI program has

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What microaggression means for your workplace

Ask five co-workers for a definition of microaggression and you will likely receive five different responses. While people may have a general idea of what microaggression is, many are unsure of its exact meaning. Understanding the definition of microaggression is important but knowing what it means for your workplace is even more critical. What is microaggression? One often-used definition of microaggression is a “subtle but

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What is Unconscious Bias? 5 Examples in Real-Life Scenarios

Unconscious bias can be a difficult topic to explain and define. After all, if something is unconscious, how do you even know that it exists? To shed some light on the issue and increase understanding, we’ve put together five real-world unconscious bias examples. 1. HELP! My video is upside down. Many times we think the meaning of unconscious bias as relating to race or age, but

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