

What does the Socratic Method have to do with training?

Have you ever stopped to consider that the way training is delivered has a direct impact on its effectiveness? All too often, training in the corporate arena is provided using a lecture based format. The problem is, this setup is passive for everyone except the presenter and often fails to engage employees. Leveraging the Socratic method training process is a more engaging and beneficial alternative.

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Knowledge to avoid catastrophes

The lessons we learn and remember tend to be based on flawed decisions. Think of situations where bad decisions led to bad results: We went to the wrong school, dated or married the wrong person, invested in the wrong stock. You get the idea. In business, we need to teach simple lessons and impress on others the consequences of bad decisions before they happen. Complex

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Harassment on the job? I Hate My Boss podcast Interview with Tucker Miller

A recent episode of the I Hate My Boss podcast featured Tucker Miller, ELI Vice President of Client Consulting, discussing the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. The podcast, hosted by Liz Dolan and Larry Seal, focuses on helping listeners make the big decisions, better sort through the small stuff, and get more fulfillment from their work life. To open the discussion, Miller identified

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ELI remembers long-time trainer John Peak

The sudden loss of John Peak, who passed away April 7, 2017, left a void in the ELI team that will be hard to fill. John was a long-time ELI facilitator and beloved by everyone he worked with. He came to ELI from Sears, where he had been instrumental in rolling out Civil Treatment® to the entire organization. He was an active proponent of Civil

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Virtual Instructor Led Training vs. E-Learning – what’s the difference?

Although Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) and E-learning are both online educational forums, there are distinct differences in the way content is delivered and in their overall effectiveness. They each have a place and purpose within the spectrum of online learning, and understanding their advantages and disadvantages helps clarify how they meet different types of requirements. Aren’t E-learning and VILT basically the same? VILT is

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Diversity and Inclusion: beyond compliance

In today’s workplace, HR Departments are increasingly being tasked with implementing Diversity and Inclusion programs that build and encourage a work environment that reflects those behaviors. For many HR Professionals, this is a welcome change. Instead of simply fielding complaints, Diversity & Inclusion programs allow teams to be proactive and have a voice that is heard in the training arena. Implementing a Diversity and Inclusion

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