

How to Keep Unconscious Bias From Affecting Your Hiring Process

Your company’s success depends on your ability to make great hires. Many business leaders know this and go to great lengths to attract the best candidates. However, there’s a hidden force keeping a majority of companies from hiring the most qualified applicants, despite their conscious efforts. That force is unconscious bias. It’s a natural function of the human brain, and it affects us all —

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Sexual Harassment: Where to start and why it matters

Sexual harassment in the workplace has been ignored, tolerated, overlooked, and somehow perpetuated for years, decades and maybe centuries. It’s only now that we’re experiencing a dramatic cultural inflection, brought on by the courage of some women who were angry, frustrated, and tired of being held captive by their fear and shame. These women banned together in solidarity, and now they’re a force that grows

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‘Tis the season – Don’t let social networking Scrooge your holiday party – or your career

Holiday parties–we love them and hate them all at the same time. It’s meant to be an opportunity to mingle and celebrate with your coworkers, but it’s the same story every year: The sales rep who had too much to drink and made a pass at the boss’s wife, the receptionist and the operations manager getting a little too close on the dance floor, or

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Fixing Your Harassment Crisis Before It Hits

Suppose your organization learned that its flagship process, product, or service had a catastrophic flaw—one so serious that if left unaddressed it could harm the public, ruin the organization, or cause it to rapidly lose its market share to the competition. How would your organization act? Would it issue a policy, set up some reporting systems, schedule an annual training on how to adapt, then

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Paula Garlen hosts CIC Town Hall for newly certified CIC Facilitators​

Earlier this month, Paula Garlen, VP of Training Services at ELI, hosted a Certified Instructor Community (CIC) Town Hall webcast for graduates of the ELI Certified Instructor Program. The webcast provided the newly-certified professionals a forum to ask questions and share their experiences with facilitating the Civil Treatment series in the classroom. Implementation and scheduling considerations During the town hall webcast, many topics related to implementation best

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