

What employees should expect when bringing forward a sexual harassment claim

More than being the right thing to do, bringing a sexual harassment concern forward is an act of courage that should be honored and not disparaged or diminished. If you have been pondering whether to come forward about inappropriate workplace behavior that is impacting you or others, the time is ripe. There is a groundswell of support fueled by #MeToo and other proactive workplace initiatives

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Why Focusing on Microaggression is a Bad Idea

When people don’t feel welcome at work, the productivity of the entire operation suffers. That’s why you might be surprised to hear us say that organizations shouldn’t focus on microaggressions, those slight and often unintentionally harmful statements that belie offensive stereotypes or remind minority groups of their marginalized status. It’s not that these microaggressions aren’t important or aren’t harmful, or even that they don’t reflect

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4 Simple Guidelines for Men Afraid of #MeToo

How should men conduct themselves in today’s workplace? It’s a question I’ve heard gradually bubbling up as reports of harassment, bullying, and abuse against women in the workplace, across industries, has culminated with the #MeToo movement. Could what happened to Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Mario Batali, and others happen to me? There have been male executives who have even gone so far as to swear

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How Diversity and Inclusion Manifest in Business Culture

“Culture” can be loosely defined as a collection of values that indicate which behaviors are encouraged and discouraged within a community. If you want to know what any company’s values are, don’t bother reading the mission statement, or even the list of “values” that they’ve posted online. These can be a great step in the right direction, and there’s even a chance that they’re accurate. But in reality, they’re

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The Business Case for Diversity

Diversity and inclusion issues are getting a lot of press these days. People see lawsuits in the news and shake their heads at the egregious examples of racism, sexism, and discrimination that continue to come to light. More companies are beginning to understand that making a real effort to prevent these types of behaviors is essential. Often, their first instinct is to have HR implement

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