

How #Metoo Is Affecting the Public Workforce

The awareness and victories gained from the #MeToo movement have been especially notable in fields such as entertainment, business, and even politics. But there’s one sector that may be suffering from pervasive harassment problems and toxic culture that hasn’t seen much change: The government sector. A March 2018 study cited here in the Washington Post found that sexual harassment is common in federal offices, with

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4 Ways to Maximize the Impact of Civility Training

Delivering civility training is critical for establishing and maintaining productive inclusive workplaces, especially in today’s divisive, politically charged climate. If you want the lessons of civil behavior to really take hold in your organization, your civility initiative should be seen as a means to positively affect results and help surface new ideas and issues. How can you make sure your training leads to increased civil behavior?

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4 Tips for Keeping Disruptive Politics Out of the Workplace

We’ve all had to work through politically tenuous times before, including during divisive presidential elections that pit co-workers against each other politically. The ethics of talking politics at work have always been dubious. But these days, keeping disruptive politics out of the workplace feels more difficult than ever. The contentious Supreme Court hearings of Brett Kavanaugh have touched an emotional nerve for many. The fallout

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What Role Does Culture Play in Corporate Succession Planning?

One of the most essential attributes of good leadership is the ability to establish and prioritize big picture goals and values. It is leaders’ job to keep everyone on the same page about the company’s mission. They’re the ones who set the tone for which behaviors are encouraged and not tolerated throughout the company. That’s why changing company culture is almost impossible without buy-in from

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How to Train Millennials in the Workplace

Electronic tools and other tech advancements have drastically changed the workplace training landscape. We’ve all gotten used to the presence of smartphones, tablets, and apps in our lives. We’ve seen how easy they make it to create and watch videos, and to communicate with others quickly and easily from anywhere. The Millennial generation, which now makes up the largest percentage of the workforce in the

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3 Ways the #MeToo Movement Should Change Your Sexual Harassment Training

The recent spate of shamings of public figures over sexual misconduct has many companies and organizations in panic mode. After all, if well-known, respected and seemingly innocuous figures like Charlie Rose and Garrison Keillor can have their careers and reputations tanked due to sexual harassment allegations, who’s to say that something similar won’t happen to key figures in your workplace? Frankly, companies and organizations are

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