

Workplace Civility Training: Building An Effective Employee Program

An annual poll conducted by Weber Shandwick and Powell Tate KRC Research reported that 93% of Americans feel that “civility” in today’s society is problematic. In our divisive and politically charged climate, this type of offensive, ill-mannered behavior is on the rise, and while not illegal, the hostile environment it creates leads to significant business and social costs. In fact, a Harvard Business School study of

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4 Tips for What to Do When You Can’t Outrun Your Past

The current crisis facing Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is a reminder that none of us can outrun our past. No matter what he did or did not do three decades ago, his handling of the situation has made the situation worse and has called his credibility, character, and leadership into question. I think most of us would admit that we had beliefs or engaged in

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The Importance of Respect in The Workplace – 5 Ways to Add Civility

Sometimes the ideas of “respect” and “civility” can seem like fuzzy concepts, especially compared to the concrete operational goals that employers have to keep in mind each day. However, when respect and civility are missing from any place of employment, the consequences are very real and very damaging. If you’re just beginning the journey of cultural change at your workplace, you might not know where

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Is In-Person Training Worth the Effort?

In recent years, digital technology has transformed the world of employee training. Organizations can quickly give employees on-demand access to hours and hours of educational videos and materials. Communication about training topics (and about pretty much anything else) has become much simpler and easier thanks to smart personal devices and apps. These tools make it easy for employees go through their training programs on their

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Three reasons full immersion is the best way to learn

It’s relatively easy to get everyone nodding in agreement in a classroom setting, but a lot harder to achieve real, lasting behavior change – especially when it comes to workplace civility. People learn best when they can experience what they’re being taught. You can’t just hear about it. It has to be modeled and put into context. You have to role play the scenarios and

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