

What Bad Behavior is costing your organization… and what you can do about it

Guess how much bad behavior is costing your organization? It’s probably more than you think. Many organizations focus on illegal bad behavior like harassment or discrimination and lawsuits can easily cost a million dollars or more. Focusing on illegal behavior doesn’t take into consideration “legal” bad behavior like bullying, unfair or rude behavior.
Things like Bullying or Unwelcoming behaviors may not be illegal, but they are a major roadblock to your growth. Why? Because the problem of bad behavior affects your largest investment… your people.
A Fortune 500 sized organization can lose $8,000,000 in lost productivity, and the cost of turnover linked to all this activity can exceed $16,000,000. That’s $25 million if you’re counting. So, the big cost is not really illegal behavior; it’s things like bullying, unfair or rude behavior.
You may be asking “how does this happen?” Many times the problem is that people are looking the other way. This can happen at an individual level and at the organizational level. What if the people in your organization didn’t “look the other way?” What would happen if they knew exactly what to do when facing these various types of bad behavior? You’d get back to accelerating growth.
How do you make this happen? It can’t be done with a poster in the break room or “check-the-box” employee training. The only way people learn and change their behavior is by gaining the right experience. Create a safe “flight simulator” environment that puts your people in uncomfortable office situations and lets them learn by doing. Only by being in, and dealing with, the situations can you learn and change.

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