

Author: Stephen M. Paskoff

Shared Values and Civility after U.S. Capitol Attacks

Our Shared Values and Civility after U.S. Capitol Attacks

January 6, 2021 is now seared into our memories. We saw unlawful, shameful acts attacking not just our nation’s capitol but our highest democratic principles for the peaceful transfer of power. We also saw inspiring acts of courage and integrity. These are anxious, challenging times. As Presidents Lincoln through Obama

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How Will You Act in Your Workplace TOMORROW?

How Will You Act in Your Workplace TOMORROW?

Today is election day in the U.S. We may know which Presidential candidate won tonight or it may take days or even weeks before a winner is declared. Either way, I ask you to imagine that your preferred candidate loses. How will you personally think, act, and feel? Now imagine

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Executive order on Diversity & Inclusion

ELI’s Response to the Executive Order on Diversity & Inclusion

ELI’s learning solutions help clients obtain their best results in line with their mission and values. Since 1986, public and private employers have used ELI programs to realize their commitment to building enduring Civil Treatment® Workplaces staffed by diverse, respectful and engaged team members. Together, they do their best work

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Returning to work after Coronavirus

Returning to Work Safely in The Changing Workplace

After several months away, many will soon return to their offices, plants, retail establishments and other workplace settings. As they do, they’ll find a changed, uncertain world as concerns over the spread and risk of COVID-19 continue. In anticipation, organizations have quickly developed workplace rules addressing healthcare recommendations and regulatory

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