

Author: ELI, Inc.

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2019

Top five posts from the ELI blog in 2019

The ELI blog provides a variety of helpful resources that address uncivil behavior and ideas for you to consider when cultivating a healthy environment in the workplace. As we kick-off a new year, here’s a countdown of ELI’s Top 5 Blog Posts for 2019: 5. How to Spot (and Stop)

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4 Ways to Make Your Training More Sustainable

4 Tips for Sustainability Training Program for Employees

Too many employers are always operating in reactive mode when it comes to workforce civility training. After a potential liability incident, they realize that their training has been lacking, and they push an extensive training session program on their employees. That, or they only prioritize workforce civility training every now

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What Does it Mean to be an "Ally" at Work?

What Does it Mean to be an “Ally” at Work?

We all know that a welcoming workplace culture is crucial for operational success — not just for avoiding lawsuits and fines, but for optimizing employee productivity and retaining the best people. When employees are all given equal opportunities to succeed and contribute, your workforce will be more likely to meet

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5 Examples of How to Make Your VILT Training More Effective

5 Examples of How to Make Your VILT Training More Effective

You could think of Virtual-Instructor-Led Training (VILT) — in which employees log in and participate in live training with an instructor via videoconferencing tools — as the hybrid of live, traditional, instructor-led training and video-based e-learning. VILT blends the best qualities of both methods: the up-to-the-moment relevancy and customization that only

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What to do when your training isn't working

What to do when your training isn’t working

If you’ve landed on this article, you might have a sneaking suspicion that the workforce training you’ve been using hasn’t been very effective and you’re now wondering how to overcome this potential lack of adequate training at work. Maybe you were expecting a certain change in employees’ behavior after the

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