

Author: ELI, Inc.

Civil Treatment® Insight – Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying gradually undermines an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Unlike constructive criticism, bullying in the workplace has the effect of further damaging a person’s performance (rather than helping to improve it). In order to reduce workplace bullying, leadership must build a culture that revolves around its goals, ethics and values. Watch this

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And the Award Goes To…

ELI® is pleased to announce the establishment of the George H. Kaye Award honoring the ELI team member who, over the past year, best demonstrated ELI’s values of inclusion, integrity, client service, and overall team contribution. As Vice President of Human Resources at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, George Kaye engaged

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Does Brand Matter? Building Brand Ambassadors

Increasingly we hear from clients that what is most important right now is how their workplace culture helps (or possibly hinders) their reputation and brand. Importantly, while our clients continue to care about important topics such as ethical behavior and legal compliance, top of mind in today’s current economy is

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New Year, New Learning Center

The Way People Learn Is Changing…And So Are We. Big things are happening in 2014 at ELI.  Not only are we launching our new Civil Treatment® for Managers and Civil Treatment® for Employees this year, our learning center is getting a MAJOR facelift! Periodically we will be posting pictures of the rennovations

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Should You Have An Attention Management Strategy?

Every company today is fighting to attract and retain talent. But there’s another, overlooked, talent war that could yield greater benefits if won, and greater harm if lost.  It’s the war for the attention of your talent. All of our great new forms of communication are eroding our ability to

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