

Author: ELI, Inc.

How to make corporate training impact corporate culture

The key to impacting corporate culture through training is to establish and communicate a consistent message. It takes repeated exposure of a consistent message to make your training truly “sticky.” Keep your materials and approach fresh, but always convey the same core message. That sounds like a great plan, but

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Can Behavior Change Training Really Reinforce Positive Behavior?

An effective behavior change training solution should reduce incivility and reinforce positive behavior. It sounds like a practical plan, but how can you make sure your training is really changing behavior? At ELI®, we have identified four necessary components for achieving true and lasting behavioral change: Awareness of the behavior

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Practical ways to improve employee behavior

Every organization has its share of poor-performing employees and those who violate company standards. While every incident can not be prevented, it is possible to minimize the occurrences. Here are three practical tips on how to improve employee behavior and attitude: Have values and communicate them For employees to follow

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How much is the culture vacuum costing your company?

Most companies have values and mission statements, but many times there is a disconnect between what’s posted on the break room wall and the actual culture. Have you ever stopped to think about how your company’s culture was created, how it evolved, or what it looks like now? It may

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