

Author: ELI, Inc.

Reboot Your Harassment Training – Webcast Recap

In March of 2015, the EEOC launched a special task force to look at the issue of harassment in the workplace. After more than a year of study, they’ve recently released their recommendations. Steve Paskoff, CEO and President, and Tucker Miller, VP of Client Consulting of ELI sat down with

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Harvard Business Review explores why diversity programs fail

In the July/August edition of the Harvard Business Review, Frank Dobbin, Professor of Sociology at Harvard University, and Alexandra Kalev, an associate professor of sociology at Tel Aviv University looked at Why Diversity Programs Fail and what works better. Epic fail Many of today’s organizations are working to reduce bias

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How to leverage microlearning in your training

Microlearning typically involves delivering limited content, in very short bursts of time, to communicate a single and specific idea. It’s a new trend in corporate training and is playing an increasing role in many organizations. When implemented correctly, microlearning is a highly effective way to reinforce initial training concepts throughout

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