

Author: ELI, Inc.

What does the Socratic Method have to do with training?

Have you ever stopped to consider that the way training is delivered has a direct impact on its effectiveness? All too often, training in the corporate arena is provided using a lecture based format. The problem is, this setup is passive for everyone except the presenter and often fails to

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ELI remembers long-time trainer John Peak

The sudden loss of John Peak, who passed away April 7, 2017, left a void in the ELI team that will be hard to fill. John was a long-time ELI facilitator and beloved by everyone he worked with. He came to ELI from Sears, where he had been instrumental in

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Diversity and Inclusion: beyond compliance

In today’s workplace, HR Departments are increasingly being tasked with implementing Diversity and Inclusion programs that build and encourage a work environment that reflects those behaviors. For many HR Professionals, this is a welcome change. Instead of simply fielding complaints, Diversity & Inclusion programs allow teams to be proactive and

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Smart ways for government entities to reduce workplace harassment

ELI Founder and CEO Stephen Paskoff was recently interviewed by Mike Causey, senior correspondent and host of Federal News Radio’s “Your Turn,” to offer suggestions to government entities for reducing incidents of workplace harassment. Clear communication is key Paskoff’s core message in the interview was that clear communication of the

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