

Author: ELI, Inc.

Making and Executing a Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan

Diversity and inclusion issues are getting a lot of press these days. More companies are beginning to understand that making a real effort to prevent these types of behaviors is essential. Once you understand the hallmarks of an inclusive culture that will benefit your workplace, it’s time for a diversity

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What #MeToo will mean for your workplace

When Alyssa Milano tweeted the #MeToo hashtag in 2017, it unleashed a movement that launched a social revolution. With just two words, women demonstrated the prevalence of sexual harassment in almost every culture around the world. In true Hollywood fashion, the #MeToo shockwave brought down the likes of Harry Weinstein

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5 Signs of a Toxic Work Environment to Look Out For

There are plenty of employees who have to endure toxic work environments every day. Whether these workers are dealing with a harassing supervisor, bullying colleagues, or an otherwise hostile culture, it couldn’t be more clear that their work environment is less than civil. In many other cases, though, incivility is

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Why Focusing on Microaggression is a Bad Idea

When people don’t feel welcome at work, the productivity of the entire operation suffers. That’s why you might be surprised to hear us say that organizations shouldn’t focus on microaggressions, those slight and often unintentionally harmful statements that belie offensive stereotypes or remind minority groups of their marginalized status. It’s

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How Diversity and Inclusion Manifest in Business Culture

“Culture” can be loosely defined as a collection of values that indicate which behaviors are encouraged and discouraged within a community. If you want to know what any company’s values are, don’t bother reading the mission statement, or even the list of “values” that they’ve posted online. These can be a great step in

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