

Author: ELI, Inc.

Is it Possible to Operationalize Civility?

One of leaders’ most important jobs is to establish goals and priorities for their teams. They hold employees accountable to things like sales quotas, manufacturing quotas, and user acquisition goals. They expect all employees to understand what those goals are and focus on working together to meet them. When it

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Does Sexual Harassment Training Work?

There’s an assumption among some companies that workplace sexual harassment training simply doesn’t work. Sure, we still make our staff go through it, but mostly because we have to. We want to protect our organizations from lawsuits and show that we’re making an effort. After all, most people wouldn’t dream

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Understanding Subtle & Unconscious Bias: Discrimination Examples

Cultural change requires a focus on specific behaviors. However, ferreting out harmful behaviors isn’t always easy. Although blatant and egregious examples of racism still exist, many of the behaviors that damage diversity and inclusion efforts in today’s companies are more subtle. In many cases, workplace discrimination happens completely unconsciously: Even the

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