ELI in the News

With decades of experience in delivering innovative learning solutions, leadership at ELI is often sought to provide expert commentary for the news media. Our experts provide insightful views, thought leadership, and opinions on a variety of topics related to building a legal and ethical environment and aligning workplace culture with organizational values. Here you’ll find links to recent articles written by or citing ELI experts.

Built In
Workplace ethics — the ethical guidelines that define appropriate workplace behavior — are an important aspect of an organizational culture. Companies that live up to their ethical standards may notice that employees trust each other to do the right thing, which can boost performance and loyalty. Job applicants will want to join the company, and customers will be proud to say they do business with them.
The U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights recently opened an investigation into a complaint accusing Harvard University of failing to protect Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab students and their supporters from harassment, threats and intimidation, according to a report by The New York Times. The Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), which filed a civil-rights complaint that led to the investigation, alleged that more than…
Human Resource Executive
Building a respectful and inclusive workplace is a constant journey, but the new year offers HR a vital chance to recalibrate with mission, vision and values. And in a potentially hostile election year, this reset is more crucial than ever. Recent findings from the Society for Human Resource Management’s The State of Global Workplace Culture in 2023 report reflect the grim reality of organizational culture: Globally, only about half of workers…
HR Drive
When Claudine Gay resigned as president of Harvard University on Jan. 2, she did so amid a swirl of controversy that was not only damaging to her personally, but also to Harvard overall. While Gay’s situation, which involved criticism over the university’s handling of antisemitism on campus and accusations of plagiarism, was highly unusual and unlike what most corporate leaders would ever face at one time, HR leaders can learn from her…
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