ELI in the News

With decades of experience in delivering innovative learning solutions, leadership at ELI is often sought to provide expert commentary for the news media. Our experts provide insightful views, thought leadership, and opinions on a variety of topics related to building a legal and ethical environment and aligning workplace culture with organizational values. Here you’ll find links to recent articles written by or citing ELI experts.

A whirlwind of change is impacting the DEI landscape. This informative article details the trends effecting cultural initiatives and previews the potential impacts going forward.
HR Executive
After Trump was recently found guilty of 34 charges related to falsifying business records, an already tense work environment is poised for even more incivility. HR experts weigh in on how organizations can prepare for, and potentially prevent, challenging conversations in the workplace.
With April’s release of the updated workplace harassment guidance from the EEOC, HR departments must interpret and apply the insights to their daily practices. In this article, Steve Paskoff, Esq. helps sort through the implications.
Since the nation’s beginning, our Founders have recognized civility as the glue that binds crucial processes and enables progress. A lot has changed since then, including our politicians’ ability to treat each other in a respectful, civil manner.
Federal News Network
On February 26, the Government Accountability Office issued a report stating that training efforts to prevent sexual harassment in the federal workplace have been ineffective, and new measures are underway to address the issue. As evidenced by a 2023 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report showing that sexual harassment has been the most common form of discrimination reported by federal agencies since 2011, the GAO made 14 recommendations
A new survey by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) revealed that many congressional staffers value civility at work—yet very few believe their workplace is civilized.The survey, partially funded by SHRM, found that just 1 percent of 135 senior staffers in the U.S. Congress were “very satisfied” with the state of civility in their workplace. Republican respondents (85 percent) were more likely than their Democratic counterparts…
Government Executive
Federal agencies — such as the Defense Department and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — have been under fire recently following allegations of failing to adequately address workplace harassment. Just last month, the Government Accountability Office released a report revealing how current sexual harassment prevention training within federal agencies has fallen short of expectations, prompting a larger initiative to combat this pervasive is
The federal government received more charges of discrimination, filed more lawsuits and secured more monetary relief for employees in fiscal year 2023 than in the previous fiscal year. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC’s) latest annual report shows the agency secured more than $665 million to resolve discrimination cases in FY 2023—a 29.5 percent increase over FY 2022. The amount includes more than $202 million..
HR Morning
In FY 2023, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) collected more than $665 million for victims of workplace discrimination. That’s a 29.5% increase over what it collected during the previous fiscal year, according to the agency’s latest annual performance report. It’s the largest amount ever collected in a single fiscal year in the agency’s history.
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