Your organization’s culture profoundly influences daily engagement, impacting every aspect from people to processes and outcomes. If everyday behaviors don’t align with your mission and values, it can hurt your bottom line. Bad behaviors, even if not illegal, pose significant risks to performance, both operationally and financially.
At ELI, we’ve empowered countless organizations to establish behavioral expectations through our Civil Treatment® Workplace methodology, setting the standard for experiential learning. This approach bridges the gap between organizational values and daily behaviors, benefiting millions across various industries.
Our CTX Active Learning builds on this foundation, offering continuous learning and practical tools to make civil behaviors a habit. This fosters an inclusive environment that enhances individual and team effectiveness.
Transforming your culture requires a strategic plan and expert support. ELI’s ‘5-C’ framework, backed by legal, compliance, HR, and learning design expertise, helps establish core behavioral standards. This ensures your values are at the core of daily interactions, improving your operations and results.
Forward-thinking leaders recognize the value of cultivating a civil workplace. With decades of experience, ELI stands ready to partner with you to increase civility, improve outcomes, and mitigate risks.
Professionals have become ELI Certified Facilitators
Participants have completed ELI training courses
ELI has won awards from Brandon Hall Group, Human Resources Executive Magazine Corporate Legal Times and more…
2675 Paces Ferry Road
Suite 470
Atlanta, GA 30339