

2014 Super Bowl Champions – Congratulations to our Client, The Seattle Seahawks!

seahawks 1 resized 600Seven hundred thousand Seattle Seahawks fans gathered downtown to celebrate our champions on February 5.  I was one of them.  Go Seahawks! Congratulations to them and to the 12th Man.
Reflecting on a remarkable season, what stands out is the absolute commitment to excellence, a tone set by Coach Carroll.  As Coach Carroll has stated, “Excellence is a habit.”  It’s not a single act.  And it’s a commitment from the entire team – not just the team on the field, but every person in the organization.  Ultimately embraced by the fans, the 12th man.describe the image
The Seahawks’ winning season is a testament to the power of routinely attending to the fundamentals and being “all in” every day.  Vision.  Talent.  Leadership.  Discipline.  Commitment.  Teamwork.These are the fundamentals for any great organization, on or off the field.
describe the imageImportantly, the Seahawks victory reveals the power of doing a lot of things right, over and over and over again. . . and, all over the place.  On the field, in the office, with the media – the vision was unwavering, and the way to achieve it was through the excellence of their people.  Beyond civility and professionalism, they rose to a level of mutual admiration and pride, holding each other to the highest level of performance they were able to come together and find their place in history.  And, in the words of quarterback Russell Wilson, “We can’t wait to see . . . what’s next.”

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