

12 Prescriptions NOT Predictions for 2012

Predictions are as common as hangovers at the start of the New Year and usually just as useful.  So to launch 2012 on a different note, I’ve decided to provide prescriptions to help leaders maneuver through a maze of sure to be unexpected twists that will mark all of our workplaces.
First, let me make one prediction I am willing to guarantee will prove accurate.  The year 2012 will be at least as complex and unpredictable as 2011 in terms of how the economy, regulations, faster communications, new technologies, court decisions, globalization, natural disasters, political upheavals and other unexpected events will force employers to adjust their plans to move forward and survive. The winds of change will be storm like in their force and the raw amount of information to consider will be overwhelming.
The antidote to all of this complexity is its opposite: simplicity.  That is, to get through all of this we need to do more with less in terms of how leaders lead, the standards we set, what we must learn, understand and apply and how we act and communicative to prevent, detect and correct problems while remaining faithful to our values and missions.  We can only learn, do, and remember so much – that needs to seen as a positive rather than negative in terms of how to approach our challenges.
This is the theme of Simplicity Rules: 12 Thoughts for the 2012 Workplace, an eBook with prescriptions, ideas, suggestions and examples to help make your year if not more predictable at least more navigable, productive and aligned with your organization’s values and goals.  We hope this short volume will serve as a roadmap helping to guide you through your destination this coming year and beyond.

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