

Author: ELI, Inc.

In Honor of Dr. King

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday — he would have been 79 — and as the upcoming holiday celebrating the man and his achievements approaches, I’m reminded of something he once said that is a driving force behind what we’re all hoping to accomplish in the workplace: “Morality

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The Values Problem is a Business Problem

The Falcons are 3-11 having just lost to Tampa Bay. They may well lose the rest of their games — an awful season. But the wins and losses are not what will be remembered. Instead, Atlanta fans will recall Michael Vick’s guilty plea for dog fighting, his prison term, and

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Workplace Culture: Renovations in Progress

We just completed a major renovation to our office space, and I’m happy to say my new office is clean and it will stay that way. No longer are there papers covering the conference table or files spread out on the floor. I still have personal mementoes on my desk

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It's Makeover Time for Civil Treatment Characters

Sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye to old friends – or, in this case, old characters who feel like old friends. But the times have changed, and so must Sam, Jean, Rob, Carol, and other familiar faces from Civil Treatment® for Managers and Civil Treatment® for Employees. One of the most exciting

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'What Not to Wear' in ELI Vignettes

When it comes to fashion, it seems everyone has an opinion, and our course vignettes are no different. People often ask about characters’ wardrobes and how we choose them. Obviously, we want the actors to look realistic and appropriate for our clients’ working environments, and we also try to choose

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